Tuesday, September 2, 2014

First Day

We had a terrific first day of homeschool today.  T was very eager to get started this morning!  He kept signing the word, school.

He was attentive throughout the lessons and seemed so ready to learn.  :)  When we started, he even gave up his rope at my first request...and without hesitation! —My family and Miss Bekah will understand the magnitude of that!!  ;o)

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  1. So happy for you, for a good beginning to your school year!
    What a big boy, putting his mind to the work, and listening attentively to your instruction. I am so proud of my handsome boy! (I just love the beautiful boy in that picture!)
    -Praying you'll have a great year!

  2. What a cutie. <3 And congrats on a great first day! Even though I don't know about the rope, I get what you're saying. And it's wonderful.

    Just stopped back over from Insane in the Mombrain. Thanks for visiting us.
