Monday, November 28, 2011

Turkey Time

Since the month of November is almost gone, I suppose it's about time I mentioned some of the books we read this month....

For week 1 of the Book-It! Program, we read books with a turkey theme.

We read:
  • I'm a Turkey!                                                by Jim Arnosky
  • Farmer Goff and His Turkey Sam                               by Brian Schatell
  • Turkey in the Straw                                          by Barbara Shook Hazen

The information-filled book, I'm a Turkey!, gives the reader an up-close-and-personal look at life with Tom the Turkey as he flocks, squawks, and flees (dangerous animals) his way through the story.  The book is a spoken-word song which can be downloaded from the Internet.

The book, Farmer Goff and His Turkey Sam, is about a farmer and his prize-winning, pie-eating turkey.

The book, Turkey in the Straw, is a tale of a farmer who would rather fiddle than farm, a wife who was born a worrier, and a shy daughter named Emmy Lou.  Emmy Lou's pet turkey dances a do-si-do to the farmer's music, and the rest is history!

For week 2, we read books with a Thanksgiving theme.

We read:
  • I Am the Turkey                                              by Michele Sobel Spirn
  • A Turkey for Thanksgiving                                    by Eve Bunting
  • Beauty and the Beaks (A Turkey's Cautionary Tale)            by Mary Jane and Herm Auch

I Am the Turkey is an "I Can Read!" book (level 2 - high-interest stories for developing readers).  In the story, Mark is so excited to be the turkey in his class Thanksgiving play -- until he discovers what the turkey's real role was in the first Thanksgiving dinner!

The holiday story, A Turkey for Thanksgiving, captures the spirit of Thanksgiving sharing in a fresh and funny way.  While setting the table for Thanksgiving dinner, Mrs. Moose tells her husband that she wishes they had a real turkey (not just turkey decorations) because everyone always has a turkey for Thanksgiving.  So, Mr. Moose sets out to find one for her.

In the book, Beauty and the Beaks, Beauty and her friends think Lance is one conceited bird.  The turkey swaggers around The Chic Hen beauty shop, boasting that he is the only bird invited to a special feast.  But while Beauty is practicing her favorite "eggsercise," flying, she accidentally finds out just what kind of guest Lance will be at the feast.  Beauty comes up with a plan to save Lance before his life "eggspires."

We enjoyed the variety these books had to offer.

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